Custom Family Portrait Illustration
Are you in search of a fun and unique custom Family Portrait? I work with you to provide unique creativity - tailoring each character to their individual style!
The base price covers 1-4 characters. It is $10 for each additional character.
Once purchased, please email me at with a list of individuals you want included along with information regarding (gender, height, childrens ages, skin color, hair color, eye color, style, tshirt/hat graphic) that you want included - attaching photos is recommended! Please give me the breed/color/size of your pets, if any.
This is a semi custom Family Portrait Illustration. Included is a high-resolution, PRINTABLE (digital) file and a social media optimized file. This can be printed at home or by a professional print vendor/photo lab. Custom sizes are available upon request. Nothing tangible will be shipped. The digital file will be emailed to you.
Contact me at
The final product is a graphic representation and not meant to be an identical match of the person(s) who are meant to be portrayed.
Character copyright is held by the original owner. Your purchase is for the labour and time involved in creating your customizations.